Some blogs are willing to pay serious cash for some real info regarding the upcoming Apple Tablet/iSlate, in this time of rumours and speculations. By “some blogs” we mean Gawker’s Valleywag, an online publication focused on Silicon Valley topics.

They’re ready to pay big bucks, like $10,000 for pictures of the device, or even $20,000 for a video of the iSlate. Also, a photo or video of Steve Jobs holding the tablet and playing with it can bring you $50,000. The big cheese is one hour of hands on action with the tablet, that’ll bring the lucky leaker $100,000.

Too bad that such bounties are illegal, or so claims a lawyer questioned by Washington Post. Apple could sue Gawker/Valleywag for breach of non disclosure contract, if their initiative comes through and a leak does happen. They’ll probably have to pay damages worth much more than the bounty they promised…

[via Tablet News]

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