Google has probably rushed to launch the Nexus One smartphone last month, so that’s probably the reason why it doesn’t support multitouch in its web browser, although the software is capable of it. This also happened to the early version of Moto Droid on Verizon, but we have a remedy, at least for Nexus One:

The folks of XDA-Developers are responsible for this new feat, since they’ve created an add-on, enabling multitouch functionality, like pinch-to-zoom gestures and more. In order to get this to work, you’ll need to root your Google phone, as shown in this guide here.

Next, you’ll have to download the required files for the multitouch add-on from here and add the files by running these commands:

adb shell stop
adb remount
adb shell rm /system/app/Browser.odex
adb push Browser.apk /system/app
adb push /system/framework
adb push /system/etc/permissions
adb shell reboot

That’s it! Just reboot and enjoy multitouch web browsing.

[via redmondpie]

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