After seeing famous GPS manufacturers like Garmin enter the smartphone business, it’s time for digital media player maker iriver to launch a mobile phone as well. The device, named “Wave” will hit the Korean market on March 9 2009 through KT, the second largest local carrier.

The handset’s design resembles that of a media player and you might be interested to know that the device features a cool BlackBerry-style trackball and a TFT touchscreen (400 x 272 pixels). iriver wave comes with handwriting recognition, WiFi, Bugs Music Service, dictionaries and 4GB of internal memory plus 4 more via memory card.

Wave measures 110.5 x 52.5 x 15.5 mm, weighs 103 grams, but sadly its price is not known yet, although we have a feeling that it will only hit Korea, at least for a few months.

[via Unwired View]

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