Apple has recently released the iOS 4.2.1 update, directed specially to iPad users, who will get their first taste out of iOS 4 and multitasking. Also, thanks to this update you get the Find My iPhone feature for free. Till now you had to pay $100 per year to use the MobileMe service that also included this iOS device tracking function.

Back to the new iOS, we must mention it’s compatible with the iPad, iPhone 4, iPhone 3GS, the 3G version and iPod touch. iPad users will get cool new features, like AirPrint support, multitasking for third party applications, folders, unified inbox and tons more. Also, iPhone 3G users will be glad to know that their devices will get a performance upgrade once they switch to iOS 4.2.1.

Game Center will also be supported on all iOS devices, allowing users to play games with their friends and challenge each other for top scores and achievements. Also, you get to user AirPlay for content streaming to Apple TV and other accessories, plus AirPrint in order to print wirelessly to some of HP’s top printers.

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