During this week’s Uplinq 2011 event, HTC provided vital information regarding some of its newest services. Peter Chou, the CEO of the Taiwanese company was on stage again, speaking about the HTC partnership with Onlive, meant to deliver a rich gaming experience.

HTC and Onlive will also support applications such as Autocad and they want to focus on education, too, not only gaming. The interaction between controller and tablet was also shown for gaming purposes and cloud gaming seems to be the focus of Onlive, among others. Next, Chou discussed the approach that HTC will adopt when working with developers.

With 450k Android developers right now, this is a segment worth watching and supporting. The Taiwanese company will play its part in this evolution, through the HTC Pro, a new program for developers that allows experts to use libraries and SDKs as they please. Through this, developers can make apps like Picasa or Linkedin use HTC Sense and games rely on the HTC Pen for various purposes.

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