In spite of RIM’s current sad situation, at least they’re managing to move software around, with the BlackBerry App World recently hitting 3 billion downloads. The figure is very far from Google and Apple’s achievements in this field, but it’s still impressive for a company that’s going under.
It took them 786 days to reach the one billion mark and 210 days to reach 2 billion. Now it only took 176 days for the 3 billion mark, meaning that on average 2.5 million downloads are happening per day. Just like Android Market in its early days, the numbers include themes and wallpapers, not only apps and games, so it’s kind of cheating. Right now there are over 90k apps for sale in the App World, but considering the recent compatibility with Android apps on the PlayBook I wouldn’t worry about software…
RIM outlines the fact that “up for sale” it more important than saying “submitted” and “approved”, which is an attempt to attack Windows Phone and the number of apps they offer versus the apps they have available. The two are dueling in the same lower side of the spectrum of apps, moving in the tens of thousands, while Google and Apple have hundreds of thousands.