Zeemote Inc has just announced a brand new gaming controller for the BlackBerry smartphones, the Zeemote JS1 Bluetooth Mobile Gaming Controller. The gadget comes with a thumbstick and four action buttons, ready to provide a great gaming experience.


Zeemote JS1 comes with an ergonomic design that can fit the user’s hand and an advantage is also its weight, only 57 grams. Also, two AAA batteries will provide over 50 hours of gaming on the go and we found out that this gadget comes with the Zeekey Software App that provides compatibility with all the mobile games on the BlackBerry platform.

The app can be downloaded from here and you should also know that the user can control the phone and navigate through menus with the aid of the same joystick. You’ll also use it as a remote control for the media player, making video and music playback easier.


[via trendygadget]

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