For more than a week we’re receiving every day materials with Google Nexus 5 (2015), phone that could be launched in this fall. Just as we found out a while ago, this device won’t arrive alone, but accompanied by another Nexus phone, this time one developed by the Chinese company Huawei, producer that made a lot of good looking devices lately.


While the design of the new Nexus 5 seemed to be revealed by those leaked cases we saw a couple of days ago, when it comes to Huawei Nexus, the picture was pretty blured…until now. Today we get the chance to see in premiere some live pictures with a Huawei Nexus prototype, phone that will offer a dual-LED flash and a fingerprint scanner.


We also get to see a short hands-on video where this supposed Huawei Nexus is turned around every angle. We notice that the phone packs a pretty big camera sensor, but also a back cover made out of a matte polycarbonate, something similar to the black Nexus 5.


According to some rumors Huawei Nexus 5 will bring a 21-megapixel rear camera, a 5.7 inch WQHD AMOLED display, wireless charging and Android M as default operating system. Only one things seems to be missing from the pictures today, and that is the rumors according to which Huawei Nexus was going to bring a metallic body.


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