If in China, Foxconn plans to build a new plant next year, a unit that will provide display panels for Apple’s assembly line, in India things are a lot different. Through a new report arrived on the web, we get to know that Foxconn will definitely close a factory from this country pretty soon, more precisely on December 24.


According to the company’s officials, this decision was take as a follow-up of the low number of contracts received from the local smartphone producers. By closing this factory, almos 1.700 employees will remain without a job just in time for holidays.

However, the fate of this Indian plant started to be uncertain even since Nokia started to lose from its market share, being closed a couple of units because of the low rate of contracts received. Right now, Foxconn will focus on the activity held in China, country from where almost all our devices are coming.

via: timesofindia.indiatimes.com


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