After seeing a French and German review of the HTC Touch HD, the smartphone continues its “tour of Europe” with the aid of yet another review, this time reaching Czechia. There, it rests in the hands of Mobius member Pavel who shares his Touch HD review in the video below:


In case you didn’t find out, HTC announced on its Twitter account that it doesn’t plan to bring the Touch HD to the US. We don’t know if this is their final intention or just a temporary decision, meant to help the T-Mobile G1 become more popular and increase the hype for the Touch HD.

However, there’s still hope as a new HTC device, the T8290 was spotted online, sporting WiMAX and a Russian interface. Either this, or the Touch HD might make it to the US market, however the latter will have to wait for Android OS 2.0, as there’s been some speculation recently that the HD might be the T-Mobile G2 of the future.

[via Mobility Site]

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