Verizon’s got a new online catalog, listing its coming soon products, that include devices such as the Xperia Play and HTC Trophy. The latter was supposed to reach the Big Red quite a while ago and now even the BlackBerry PlayBook shows up as one of the upcoming products.
RIM’s slate, the Xperia Play and HTC Trophy are all “coming soon” products, while devices such as the BlackBerry Curve 3G 9330, Droid 2 Global and BlackBerry Bold 9650 are listed as available “while supplies last”, meaning that their successors could be coming, so the stocks are being cleared.
LTE data plans seem to have the same cost as the 3G ones, with $20 for 1GB, $35 for 3GB, $50 for 5GB and $80 for 10GB. The only downside to all of these goodies? They’re “2011 Winter” material, so “Soon” is not soon enough…