The folks of BGR took the brand new Droid X and iPhone 4 for a test drive, trying out their cameras, in order to find out which device handles 720p video capture better. Here’s a screenshot of how the files resulting from the video capture look like:
Believe it or not, the iPhone 4 wins the duel, mostly because of the FPS difference. Droid X records 720p video at 24fps, while the iPhone 4 is only able to record at 30 fps. The indoor and outdoor tests showed which camera is better and we have to mention that the Moto phone records in 3GP MPEG-4 format, while the iPhone 4 opts for the MOV H.264 format.
What’s neat is that the iPhone’s format makes the resulting video two times smaller, as far as file size is concerned. Droid X wins the competition in the color accuracy and audio recording segments. You can check out the indoors video capture comparison in the video below and the outdoor one after the break:
[via BGR]