Remember when HTC sued Apple on grounds of infringed patents? Well, the International Trade Commission found initially that Apple didn’t infringe any patent, but now they’re back to review one of the claims. ITC will do a reexamination of the case and they could in the end find Apple guilty of violating one of the 4 patents that HTC mentioned in its counter dispute.
I said counter as initially it was Apple who sued HTC and won on account of two patents, that ITC found the Taiwanese company guilty of infringing. HTC will appeal that decision and in the end, if Apple is also found guilty and HTC as well, the two giants might negotiate something that would fit both sides. HTC is now facing a ban on its phones and also the possibility of the same thing NOT happening to Apple. And if I know the fruit as well as I do, they won’t settle for negotiations and some cash, but require banned products, as they did with Samsung.
This brawl started back in March 2010, when the creator of the iPhone and iPad attacked HTC with an ITC complaint and a civil lawsuit on account of copying iPhone technology. Samsung was also sued in the same proceeding and Steve Jobs claimed that everything related to Android was stolen at the time… and now let’s wait for the judge’s decision on this one.