There are plenty of HTC rumors lately to go around for everyone. Some are very believable while there are the ones that would give even HTC ideas about future products. The manufacturer is holding an event before MWC to unveil its next super-phone. This all the fuss.


HTC M7 is likely to be the name of the new device that the manufacturer will announce on the 19th of this month, during their event in New York. The handset is said to be HTC’s pride and joy, along with some innovative features you won’t find anywhere else. There are also rumors about HTC One as the new flagship, though some claim it is the same handset with the M7. A launch of two top smartphones from the manufacturer is highly unlikely so we are likely to see only one.

Eveleaks has been in some cases a reliable source for the upcoming products from the top manufacturers. Last year they were among the first to sow images of HTC’s One series smartphones and it looks like they want to do the same for this year. Their latest unveiling is what they claim to be an image showing the HTC One, upcoming device. The handset shown in the image has a design close to HTC’s lines and supports a very thin bezel. There have been other rumors about this device, packed with features such as Full HD display and quad-core chip. There’s little over one week until we get a shot at the truth.

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