While Apple fans wait for summer to end, a season followed by fall when the iPhone 6 gets official, today a new bunch of photos with the iPhone 6 dummy showed up on the web. Unlike previous images, these one are comming straight from a popular leaker among the internet, a leaker called Sonny Dickson.


As you may know, Dickson is an australian teenager who is leaking Apple products for some time. If until now we had the opportunity to see just the 4.7-inch iPhone mock-ups, now we can take a closer look on the phablet version too. Is expected that this one to be called iPhone 6s and to pack a 5.5-inch display.


Also, we can see in one of these photos all the color variations of the new iPhone 6 smartphone that will be launched in this fall, more precisely in September. Even if until then there’s almost 2 months left, it seems that the design of these products is already knowed. Which would you choose between the 4.7-inch iPhone and the 5.5-inch one?





via: twitter.com/SonnyDickson


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